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Saturday 14 April 2012

Social Media Storm Clouds

The Easter holidays are nearly over, two weeks off to recuperate and restore our batteries, after such glorious weather a week before I was really looking forward to the break from the school run, being able to spend some time relaxing and enjoying the holiday, the children were tired and ratty and in need of the break too, but just as we were breaking up  mother nature had other ideas, and the weather went from lovely sunshine, where we were playing water bombs in the garden, to snow!

So the holidays have been spent doing nothing too much, not really going anywhere in particular, relaxing somewhat at home, in the house, Easter weekend itself sort of washed over us with the boys suffering from slight tummy bugs, and the weather trapping us inside, and when you spend too long in the house tempers fray and that tranquil relaxed rest that I'd hoped for this holiday never really materialised.

Yesterday once again the weather was hit and miss, with thunder and rain storms one minute and then the next it brightening up slightly.

The children were on the main part being well behaved, they had spent the day before absorbed in making cardboard box houses for their little figures, I hadn't seen or heard much off them all day but I  could feel myself suffering from a touch of cabin fever, and my temper getting shorter and shorter, so another day indoors was even less appealing.

It's all too easy to take the easy option when the weathers abit miserable, and try to entertain the children indoors, but then there is that draw to social media, that lull of pre occupied mindset where your not really entertaining the children at all but more entertaining yourself, with the need to keep updated with whats happening on the great big world wide web.

Then when the children ask for a simple thing and it takes you away from finishing your follow up comment, or reading the next line of unimportant news you snap at them.

And that's when it hit me, Social Media was hovering more of a cloud over our heads than the weather.

The Internet is a wondrous thing, but it is oh so awful at the same time, and there are so many more wondrous things to be seen.

So I switched off the computer and we went out,

 It didn't matter that it might rain, we enjoyed the sunny spells in between,

 The children ran and played,

 They skimmed stones into the water,

 and found newts.

We ended up not returning home till gone 6.30pm and today when they woke up we had a relaxing morning made dinner and then did the same thing again, no computers, no phones, no facebook but lots of fun.

I'm linking this to Country Kids over at Coombe Mill be sure to pop over there to see other people promoting the benefits to being outdoors!
Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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