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Saturday 21 April 2012

Confidence building

After the local circus visit a few weeks back, where Chloe was extremely anxious about it all with a full on panic attack at the thought of venturing into the unknown, I wanted to find some way of encouraging her confidence and give her something to focus on and enjoy.

Chloe is a right diva, and has always loved singing and dancing and has the attitude to rival any stroppy tween actor so I thought it would be great for her to rein in her attitude and focus it on proper structured acting and singing, and hoping attending a drama school it would help to rebuild her confidence which has dropped since moving house.

So I searched online and found a local singing, dancing and acting stage school. I phoned up and enrolled her; to start today.

The past few weeks Chloe has eagerly crossed of the dates on her calender, talked about going to the classes and genuinely sounding excited about the whole process.

This morning comes and her enthusiasm drops. As I was fully expecting it too. I  tried to encouraged her to give it ago, and not to be scared until she'd been and seen how it all was.

Luckily because I was prepared for the negative attitude I had a few encouraging tricks up my sleeve.

New black leggings and tops for her to wear so she looked the part, The promise of a trip to the local shop to by snack bars and drinks.

These worked somewhat, and on the way to the local shop I managed to convert her back into being excited to go and see before making her mind up about the session.By the time we had picked out some snacks and returned home she was full of smiles and eager to go.

So on the journey there she was happy, no tears at all, all was looking good.

Then we walked in the door and she withdrew and said she didn't want to stay. We were about 5 minutes late (we are ALWAYS late for everything) so the teacher was just starting to talk to everyone, and she made it brief saying right everyone off we go, and hurried Chloe off with a set of other girls. Chloe by now was  looking tearful, I reassured her I would stay for a few minute to fill in some forms and come see how she was getting on after, she didn't want to venture with the others, but they were very sweet and a group of them encouraged her to go along saying they had also been upset on their first day.

So she went, all but reluctantly with tears staining her cheeks.

I then had a chat with the teacher and had to make the decision of if to go and see her and risk making her upset again, or if to leave her be and hope she wasn't too scared and started to enjoy it.

We decided in the end to send the teacher in to see how she was, and providing she wasn't sat curled up in a ball wailing loudly, we would sneek off, I  looked through the door and saw her sat looking red eyed and puffy cheeked, but sat with the others joining in the singing.

And on that note I turned and left.

I do hope she has enjoyed it,  time will tell, we pick her up at 1pm, it will either be a case of her never ever wanting to go again and it may have back fired horribly and result in her never leaving my side in the future..... or she will have loved it and come out with renewed confidence.

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