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Monday 30 January 2012

blogging block?

I didn't post a Silent Sunday yesterday, I seem to have hit a bit of blogging block! coupled with a terrible cold sore throat and pounding headache my poor neglected blog got left un loved.

The past few days I have been trying to sort out what I actually want to blog about, and how to do it.

I have trawled the internet reading some of my favourite blogs who seem to write so amazingly, and about all sorts of topics,and I read through several of the highlighted posts in BritMums Newbie Tuesday where Actually Mummy was asking 'how much is too much?'

I have no problems as such with posting photos of my children, so its not that that bothers me, but I do find it difficult to blog about personal things because friends and family are aware of my blog and read regularly. I would hate to offend someone I am close to in the real world, by having a moan or a gripe on a bad day. But  this  means quite often my blog is left full of pretty photos and snippets of our life encapsulated in reviews, and I'm not sure how to change that, maybe I don't want to at all and really I'm quite happy sharing the odd photo here and there and writing up any reviews that come my way, but then there is always a nagging feeling that I should be writing something more.. something better.

I think I will have to have a look around and join in with some memes to get me in the swing of things again and hopefully when this cold subsided and I have a clearer head I will feel better and get round to finishing off the half written posts in my draft box which seem to be ever increasing as I never hit that publish button!

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