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Monday 23 January 2012

365... where am I?

Yes yes I know its only 23rd January, and my 365 posts have been next to nothing, I have been taking a photo a day and I do intend on sharing them, I tried to make sure I uploaded them to my facebook page, but that only lasted a couple of weeks.

I was really looking forward to getting into the swing of the 365 challenge so whats happened?

Theres a couple of reasons first being I didn't really want to clog up my blogs with a 365 photo post a day, so was never quite sure how to show my photos, if I posted them each as an individual post per day it would surely take over my blog, as I don't actually post all that much anyway, so then I hoped on doing a round up photo each week, but the problem there was then it would mean my Silent Sunday posts became a round up and I am rather fond of Silent Sunday being just a single photo so from the very off I was confused with exactly 'how and where' to share the photos.

Secondly, and it is a problem which is most probably on everyones minds at some point, when do you say no hold on I'm getting abit addicted to my blog here, and how do you get that blog life balance organised.

Yes my children are all at school but I find myself spending far too long in front of the laptop when there at home too, not to mention the evenings and neglecting my other half!
I seem to waste away the hours seemingly doing nothing much, hoping around the blogsphere, poping in and out of facebook like a yoyo and generally not doing anything productive on any one level so adding a dedicated 'must post a photo a day' to the list of 'must do' just isn't really practical.

Then theres also the fact that quickly snatching my camera and taking a photo just because, meant that I wasn't even giving that much thought and attention to the photos and as a result they are just not great at all, which then makes me look back and kick myself that I should have taken something better!

So maybe the 365 challenge is not for me, maybe sticking with Silent Sunday and one photo from each week suits better, am I ready to pack up completely however... no not yet I will keep my camera close at hand and keep taking and maybe I will get back into sharing them and finish off the challenge!

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