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Friday, 19 October 2012

Friday again

It's Friday again, the weeks are passing by so very fast, the months moving ever forward as we now near the end of October, it seems crazy that 2012 is in the last quarter and before we know it Christmas will be upon us and the New Year celebrations.

Money is tight and budgeting is my main anxiety causing issue at the moment and I am hoping to get things on track in the new year, but it is difficult constantly trying to cut corners when you're already making every penny stretch as far as possible, the bills seem to be ever increasing whilst incoming money is lower than ever.

However trying not to dwell on the depressing things, the past few weeks have particularly been busy ones, and I have been meaning to dedicate more time to blogging about the 'normal' things we get upto.

I had my youngest sons parents evening, which went well, his new teacher is lovely and he seems to have settled into year 1 fine, much more confident and chatty than he was last year, which I guess is understandable, as last year he had only just turned 4 when he started full time, being a young one in the year group, and he was often the quiet one in the class, which was the opposite of how he is at home, so it was nice to hear that hes more chatty this year. There are no particular worries about his learning, I am still in the unknown grounds of if to be more pushy with regards to his spelling practise and reading, but am just doing as much as he's happy with for now, which I hope is working.

Will be interesting next week is my eldest twos parents evening, and I really need to sit down before hand and think about all the things I need to discuss with regards to Jake, but that's another post.

We also had fun picking out some decorations for Halloween, which I will be sharing with you all next week and we also thoroughly enjoyed the Sylvanian Families Twitter party, although it was abit manic with lots of children, trying to keep them organised and tweet!

And to put an extra big smile on my face I received some yummy fudge to review too!

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