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Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Sponsored Video - #Domestos4unicef

Can you imagine living with out the luxuries we all have? Living where basic hygiene is not met, because sanitation is so poor, where health is hindered and disease spread quickly?

Basic sanitation has been deemed a basic human right by the United Nations, yet still there is a staggering estimated 2.5 billion people living without access to improved sanitation. Living where sanitation is so poor and open defecation is a major cause of disease, the smell, the flies, ill health and disease all due to not knowing the links between good hygiene and health.

UNICEF have a behaviour change program designed to help improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, teaching them about good hygiene practise to reduce disease transmission and help people live healthier happier lives. These programs are amazingly beneficial giving people the knowledge to improve their lives for their communities and future generations,

Domestos are giving 5% of their average proceeds from specially marked bottles to UNICEF to help support this program and change lives.

The best way to help educate the next generation is in Community led programs like this where everyone is learning and sharing the information about hygiene and health.

When you can help communities understand you are empowering them to take action for themselves, this has the most overall value and lasting effect truly changing lives.

Please take a second to watch this video, visit the DomestoForUNICEF website to see how spreading vital understanding is so important and help spread the message by supporting UNICEF and Domestos, share this post, tweet about this campaign using the #domestos4unicef  hash tag and lets help improve the lives of the next generation and help make the children dance and be happy!

This Post is Sponsored by Domestos
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