The weather really has been lovely the past few days, blazing hot sun lovely evenings just perfect for the summer holidays and a huge contrast to the weather the past few weeks. So you would hope that everyone has been getting out and about and making the most of the sunshine.
But with the soaring temperatures it can sometimes be too hot to spend time outdoors, the thought of dragging hot children out for a walk can almost seem more hassle that its worth, children spend so much time in doors with modern technology to entertain them, there always seems to be a excuse to break them from these comforts, too hot, too cold, too wet, windy, late or early!
But walking is something that really doesn't have to be a hassle, and can be enjoyable, a simple stroll through the local park in the evening, or walk to the local shop can be less hot and troublesome than starting the car up, not to mention the health benefits to walking!
Did you know that just 10 minutes walk can burn off 38 calories, or a gentle stroll for half an hour can burn off over 70 calories?
It's so important to get up and get walking, not only does it have great health benefits but when more people use the streets it makes everyone realise that there is valid reasons to look after them and ensure they are safe, attractive and enjoyable for pedestrians, and that is exactly what Living Streets main aim is.
You may remember I wrote about Living Streets Walking Challenge back in May, when they were encouraging people to get walking in the Great British Walking Challenge, which was a great success, now they are encouraging people to take a look at the fab Ice Cream Calculator
Which will work out how many calories you have burned off each time you take to the streets, it is really easy to use, and is great fun, adding a evening walk to end your day can be an amazing way to wind down, and whats more it cools off in the evenings and you get to enjoy the wonderful evening sunlight and catch those glimpse of summer which you otherwise might miss.
So why not join in, take a walk today - no excuses, and then see how many calories you've burned off, you are also in with a chance of winning a Zoku ice lolly maker if you use the Living Street Calculator, and if you take along your camera and capture any summer time photographs then be sure to tweet them to @livingStreets and use the hash tag #glimpseofsummer you may get your photo displayed on their pinterest board Helping to encourage everyone to make Britain a happier Healthier place this summer!
But with the soaring temperatures it can sometimes be too hot to spend time outdoors, the thought of dragging hot children out for a walk can almost seem more hassle that its worth, children spend so much time in doors with modern technology to entertain them, there always seems to be a excuse to break them from these comforts, too hot, too cold, too wet, windy, late or early!
But walking is something that really doesn't have to be a hassle, and can be enjoyable, a simple stroll through the local park in the evening, or walk to the local shop can be less hot and troublesome than starting the car up, not to mention the health benefits to walking!
Did you know that just 10 minutes walk can burn off 38 calories, or a gentle stroll for half an hour can burn off over 70 calories?
It's so important to get up and get walking, not only does it have great health benefits but when more people use the streets it makes everyone realise that there is valid reasons to look after them and ensure they are safe, attractive and enjoyable for pedestrians, and that is exactly what Living Streets main aim is.
You may remember I wrote about Living Streets Walking Challenge back in May, when they were encouraging people to get walking in the Great British Walking Challenge, which was a great success, now they are encouraging people to take a look at the fab Ice Cream Calculator
Which will work out how many calories you have burned off each time you take to the streets, it is really easy to use, and is great fun, adding a evening walk to end your day can be an amazing way to wind down, and whats more it cools off in the evenings and you get to enjoy the wonderful evening sunlight and catch those glimpse of summer which you otherwise might miss.

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