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Thursday, 14 June 2012

Sponsored Video: Samsung Galaxy S3

This post is sponsored by Samsung

After my eldest lost my phone the other day, I have been thinking about the different phones available, one of the main features I am really looking for is a good camera, I only have a point and shot camera at the moment, and if I was going to upgrade to a decent phone, then the camera and photo features would be what swings it for me.

The Samsung Galaxy S3 has a pretty great 8 megapixel camera which is more than my current point and shot, and some great features, like the best photo option, which takes 8 continuous photos so you can really capture the perfect moment even if your target is not willing to sit perfectly still!

I know probably better than most that trying to capture the moment with a single shot isn't always easy when you're photographing children and its the one thing I am always striving to get better at, so this feature allows you to effortlessly capture the perfect moment as it takes 8 photos in quick succession meaning you don't end up with closed eyes and turned heads. It also has 1080p HD video recording with video stabilisation for clearer more stable videos, the Galaxy S3 also has face recognition which means it can sort individual profiles into slide shows or send photos of your friends straight to them and with the 4.8 inch high definition Amoled display you can look back through the images in perfect clarity.

But it's not just the camera that makes this look like a great phone, it has enhanced processing power and graphics which means you can watch HD videos whilst surfing the web or sending emails, voice recognition and direct call features plus loads more, the slogan is 'Designed by humans, Inspired by nature' take a look at this video a day in life of a Galaxy S3 which gives a glimpse into its features because there is just too many for me to mention here, and I think you'll agree it would be a huge improvement on my little old lost phone - if I had a phone this good there's one thing for sure, I would not be letting Jake take it to the park, oh no this would be Mummys Toy!

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Item Reviewed: Sponsored Video: Samsung Galaxy S3 Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Blogs Tiền Ảo