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Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Ice Age 4 Odeon Reviewer

I received an email the other day asking us to partake in a competition with Odeon to find their IceAge4 Official junior reviewer,  my eldest two thought they would give it ago.

Ice Age 4 Continental Drift is due to be released on 13th July, we watched the trailer and it looks a great film, with the familiar character and humour from the previous movies plus a whole host of new adventures including pirates and huge crabs!

It really does look like a great film, the competition means the 5 most viewed videos get passed onto the judges with the winners getting the chance to see the film in July and review it officially for Odeon Cinemas.

It really was lots of fun watching the trailer and filming our review which is full of giggles and to become official Odeon reviewers would be a great opportunity so please take a look and share it with your friends :)

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Item Reviewed: Ice Age 4 Odeon Reviewer Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Blogs Tiền Ảo