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Monday 26 September 2011

Lessons, well and turly learnt!

OK first off let me start by saying Thank you for all your amazing support, and so sorry that it has ended up this way!

If you have been following the badly organized, madeforthepeople.com competition then you will already be aware of some of whats been happening.. if not read : here

and I am not going to sob story the rights and wrongs any longer, we tried, we took a stand, we made a difference and we made a mistake.

We posted in Get Online Votes, as mentioned in our previous posts, AFTER contacting Mercedes SEVERAL times about the competition, very early on, and after receiving NO response from them, We were exploring avenues about how people get votes. This site works where you post your link and others in contests look and vote in the hope you vote in exchange for them in their contest, no money is passed hands, no fake accounts are used, no mass voting.
We informed Mercedes that we had posted in this style of website via email, and stated that in doing this you receive few response, and we were therefore concerned at the mass numbers of votes the other contestants were jumping, NO RESPONSE!
We are also aware others brought this to their attention around the same time with NO RESPONSE!
then obviously I checked out how the others were getting their huge votes, found they were BUYING them, which I consider to be totally unfair, so once again I contacted Mercedes and received NO RESPONSE, then I blogged about the whole thing, and surprise surprise Mercedes take note when my supporters all contact them, I stated in this blog post that I had posted on Get Online Votes, site, and said that this method takes alot of effort, (we only posted once on this site and recieved 3 responces - one of which stated they could not get the site to load!) inorder to use this site you have to post on eeryone elses posts saying you have voted this takes ALOT of time and wasn't something I followed up with, Mercedes changed there T & C and forgot to mention the vote swapping, instead ringing me up to praise me and make out I was fine, then AFTER I tell all my friends and supporters Mercedes are doing the right thing, and re blog saying they had done the right thing, they suddenly decided its fine to disqualify me, maybe because they were happy I had rectified there awful situation they had got themselves in.

But I guess if you are sticking strictly to terms and conditions (even if they are brought about mid way through), and it is then decided that it is not ethical to ask for votes in an exchange for a vote, (even tho I never stated that I would return votes for me in any of my posts;) then it is only fair that everyone doing so is excluded, even if that seems immensely unfair :(

We wish all the other entrants luck, and hope that Mercedes eventually find their winner.

So sorry once again,  still pleased we managed to get the vote buyers disqualified, so I guess as much heart ache as this has been we did manage to prevent people buying mass votes from scooping the prize.

Hopefully this truly has been a wake up call to anyone, wanting to run a competition, or enter one!

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