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Monday 20 January 2014

Happy 2014 - yes, yes I know I'm late!

Well its a New Year! 2014

Wow where did the time go? I have been terribly bad at keeping on top of my blog the past few months so it's beginning to feel alittle lonely and unloved around here, so I thought I had best fix that and post.

Christmas was quiet here, we had a nice day, the children got a selection of gifts they had asked for, and all passed fairly peacefully, the holidays finished in a blink of the ye and now we are well and truly back into the swing of the school runs again and the mad rush trying to find extra hours in the day.

For Christmas I was lucky I got a wonderful Wacom intuos graphics tablet and I do love it, creativity at my fingertips. I am still getting to grips with it but I hope to be doodling all sorts of things in the coming months.

Blog wise I really do feel like I need a change over here, I love my blog and blogging in general has been such a massive part of my life for the past few years, I want to focus on my blog, but I just don't seem to have the motivation to find the time needed to be here.

My blog has a huge 'review' side and I am in two minds of what to do about the reviews at the minute, I do love reviewing items but I really want to focus my spare time on other things. I can't decided if saying no to reviews will simply mean the blog goes even quieter - or maybe it will make me get back to the things I love - photos, graphic design and daily life snippets.

Anyway I hope everyone has had a lovely Christmas and that 2014 is good to you all, and if you're feeling cold on this BlueMonday don't forget to....
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