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Thursday 6 June 2013

Time goes by

Today I had a review meeting with my Homestart supervisor.

The meetings are a great informal catch up to go over things, the first conversation was 'how are things with you?' and we soon got onto talking about how my eldest will be starting senior school in September, as we caught upto date with the family I have just finished supporting and we discussed the new family I will start visiting soon, it really made me realise how very quickly this year is flying by.

It is now June, which is just crazy, I know time seems to speed up the older you get but this year seems to be going by at an alarmingly quick pace.

Every week seems to leap into the next month, half of the year has passed already, we will soon be thinking of Christmas again!

When I briefly think of this year I think its been quite uneventful, that I actually haven't got round to doing things which I want to do, but really if I take a moment I can actually see that so much has indeed happened this year.

I want to ensure that the remaining 6 months are full of fun things, I really want to ensure that some things change, improve. Then there are some things that I just want to stay the same as they are right now.

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