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Tuesday 28 May 2013

What is Blogging?

For a few  years now I have been blogging away on this blog, posting all sorts of bits and bobs focusing on snippets of our life and reviews of the things we all love.

Recently Alot of people have asked me what IS blogging? and Why do it?

So I thought seems as its coming upto my blogs unofficial birthday I would do a series of posts, and hope that they help people out, I will be putting them all together in the top menu so you can look back at them as and whenever you want.

What is blogging?

According to wikipedia; A blog is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web and consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order.

To you or me, a blog can be so many different things, but basically  a blog is a virtual diary, a notebook where you can scribble all your thoughts and jot down things you don't want to forget and those things you want to remember to tell someone else.

Because a blog is publicly available, anyone can read it, you may find you have a regular set of readers who you can build up new friendships with, or you may find that your random musings are being searched and found from complete strangers.

Blogs can be about anything at all, some are very focused some are just about abit of everything. The one thing to remember is to do what you enjoy, write about the things you like.

So, Why do people blog?

Because blogging is so diverse the reasons are many. Some people love to write, they love to let their thoughts flow onto the paper and feel excitement when someone reads there words. They are creative authors and masters in literature.  Others want to share their photos, or family life with friends and relatives, others want to promote a business or have a sort of online portfolio of their talents to help them springboard into new careers.

No matter what your reasons for blogging are there is one thing that is agreed. Blogging is addictive.

For many people they start out blogging, thinking it is a fun way to share some of their words or photos little snippets into their lives, maybe they want to show the cakes they are baking or how they are renovating their house, many blogs start as a personal diary to document a change in someones life, having a baby, buying a new house, moving abroad may all result in someone wanting to write down their thoughts on the new adventure they are on. Other blogs might be to share knowledge, to connect with other people who have similar hobbies and interests. Writing out tutorials on how to craft, cook, fix and find. There is a blog to match everyone.

And once you have started writing down your thoughts, you start to notice other bloggers who are doing something similar. There is always something to learn and a new thing to think about.

Blogging is a hobby which can be as much of a new learning curve as you want, some people love the brain stimulation of learning how to build their own site, learn how to get to grips with up and coming social media and relish in the chance to prove they are doing something constructive.

Others just love to write.

Whatever it is that draws you into starting your own blog, it is something which is very rewarding, and I would encourage anyone to give it ago.

Take a look at my other posts in my Bloggingtips series where I cover how to create a blog, the possibilities of making money from blogging and much much more.
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