I can't believe the weeks are racing past so very fast we're now well into November and you can definitely tell we're on the brink of the winter months.
Last week however their was several days where blue sky was showing, and the trees looked lovely full of orange and golds.
But now instead of the bright Autumn sun there seems to be nothing but dull winter grey skies and it seems to be getting colder and colder, I heard that the odds of having a white Christmas now are quite high, with an expected cold snap at the end of November, what with a fluster of snow already in October I wonder if the forecasts are more realistic for 2012 than the promise in previous years which never amount to anything!
Living in the Midlands we do tend to miss most bouts of snow, last winter we didn't see much at all and normally if we are going to get a good covering it tends to be in February, the most snow my children have ever experienced was February 2009 where we had a really decent amount, enough to build snowmen bigger than ourselves!
I do love the snow, it makes everywhere look so different like stepping out into a winter wonderland, but it is simply not enjoyable if you aren't prepared! Which got me thinking how prepared are we for the snow if we do get some this year?
With last winter being fairly mild it has been quite a while since we got out the thick snowsuits and we've been managing ok with thin gloves, and everyones feet have outgrown their wellies so we're really not very prepared at all. So if we suddenly woke up to a winter scene we would most probably opt to stay inside in the warm - which would be a real shame!
I think I most definitely need to add the winter essentials to the childrens Christmas lists and I may try to find a Sleigh too!
Besides, with the nights drawing in and the temperature dropping even without any snow to contend with it won't be long before I am longing for a thicker pair of Ski Gloves, you know the type that keep your hands warm even if you were to go off skiing the Alpine Ski slopes, having fairly long walk each morning to school it is always my hands which end up feeling the cold the most, and even if we don't get snow until the end of the winter months there really is no harm in being prepared is there?!
This post was brought to you in conjunction with Craigdon Mountain Sports

Living in the Midlands we do tend to miss most bouts of snow, last winter we didn't see much at all and normally if we are going to get a good covering it tends to be in February, the most snow my children have ever experienced was February 2009 where we had a really decent amount, enough to build snowmen bigger than ourselves!
I do love the snow, it makes everywhere look so different like stepping out into a winter wonderland, but it is simply not enjoyable if you aren't prepared! Which got me thinking how prepared are we for the snow if we do get some this year?
With last winter being fairly mild it has been quite a while since we got out the thick snowsuits and we've been managing ok with thin gloves, and everyones feet have outgrown their wellies so we're really not very prepared at all. So if we suddenly woke up to a winter scene we would most probably opt to stay inside in the warm - which would be a real shame!
I think I most definitely need to add the winter essentials to the childrens Christmas lists and I may try to find a Sleigh too!
Besides, with the nights drawing in and the temperature dropping even without any snow to contend with it won't be long before I am longing for a thicker pair of Ski Gloves, you know the type that keep your hands warm even if you were to go off skiing the Alpine Ski slopes, having fairly long walk each morning to school it is always my hands which end up feeling the cold the most, and even if we don't get snow until the end of the winter months there really is no harm in being prepared is there?!
This post was brought to you in conjunction with Craigdon Mountain Sports
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